Department Routing

Streamline Your Support Queries

Use Kenyt’s Department Routing Features To Redirect Customer Queries To The Respective Departments With Ease

Faster resolution time

Quick resolution of issues

Improved customer satisfaction

Connects to the right agent quickly

Efficient use of resources

Diverts queries to appropriate departments

Seamless integrations

Hassle-free resolution of issues

Provide Smart And Intelligent Routing For Your Users With Kenyt’s Intelligent Department Routing

Smart Routing

Automated routing, machine learning, high accuracy.
Customizable Routing Rules
Rule setting, VIP prioritization, easy adjustments.

Multi-Channel Routing

Handles phone, email, chat, and more.
Real-time Insights and Analytics
Performance metrics, response times, bottleneck identification.

Schedule a demo to experience the power of intelligent routing. Try Kenyt AI Assistant for Free!

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