How to Adjust the Bot Launch Timing on Your Website

On the Kenyt Dashboard, you can set the time delay for when you want the chatbot to appear     on your website.

  1. Log in to the Kenyt Dashboard, click on the left-hand panel, and select the ‘AI Agents’ tab.

      2. If there are multiple project bots, ensure you select the correct project from the dropdown   

          menu in the top-right corner, as marked in the image below.    

   3. Switch to ‘UX Settings’ from the top menu and click on ‘Bubble Settings’ from the   

        left-hand menu.       

4. Locate the option ‘Open Window After Milliseconds’. This allows you to specify the time (in milliseconds) after which the chat window will open.

  • Example: If you want the chat window to open after 5 seconds, enter 5000 in the box

5. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Save Changes.

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