
15 Best Conversational AI Examples Benefits and Use Cases


Conversational AI is a revolutionary technology that is transforming our lives in multiple ways. Some widely used conversational AI examples are online chatbots and smart applications like Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Google Home, now inseparable companions in our lives.

On the commercial landscape, customer service is integral for businesses to maintain brand loyalty amidst highly challenging market competition. As such, conversational AI is a strategic tool to offer exceptional customer service through instant engagement and optimum resource utilization. Conversational AI now finds widespread application across various industries through numerous verticals in a company.   

Gartner estimates that by 2026, conversational AI applications will reduce the input cost by $80 billion in customer service departments worldwide. It’s significant news for businesses looking to improve their customer service efficiency and at the same time want to optimize their input costs.  

Let’s dive deeper into conversational AI to understand what it is, what its benefits are, its different types, and its use cases. But most importantly, we present some of the best conversational AI examples in this article. So, if you are researching the best conversational AI for yourself, check out the section at the end of this article.

What is conversational AI?

Conversational AI is a technology that uses natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and large volumes of training data to understand, process, and respond to speech and text inputs in natural human language.

Conversational AI has advanced to produce human-like conversations across multiple languages that find immense potential in chatbots, virtual assistants, IoT devices, and autonomous vehicles. These systems have been designed to behave intuitively and are user-friendly and empathic for meaningful conversations.  

Natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning, a subset of machine learning (ML), are essential planning components of conversational AI. Let’s understand each of the components of conversational AI in a little more detail in the next section.

Essential planning components in conversational AI

The meaningful interactions generated by a conversational AI system are because of critical components that help the computer system comprehend and produce meaningful responses. These intelligent systems are continuously learning to produce improved conversational etiquette and human behavioral understanding with time.

The essential planning components of conversational AI are;

Machine learning (ML) :

A branch of artificial intelligence called machine learning (ML), which is composed of a collection of features, algorithms, and data sets that get better over time. The AI-powered computer system learns to identify patterns with the increasing amount of data and applies that learning to forecast relevant outcomes. 

Natural language processing (NLP) : It is a sub-field of artificial intelligence that uses statistical analysis, machine learning, and deep learning techniques to understand and respond with a natural human-like tone. 

NLP is categorized into two sub-components: Natural Language Understanding (NLU), which interprets texts and their meaning, and Natural Language Generation (NLG), which transforms text into a human-readable format.  

NLP achieves its function in various ways, such as;

Tokenization: Splitting a sentence into various words and phrases to identify each as a tokens.

Syntax and semantic analysis: Analyzing the relationship of words in a sentence and understanding the meaning of the sentence.

Sentiment analysis: Analyzing the emotional context of an input, such as positive, negative, neutral, happy, sad, angry, painful, etc.

Output generation: Producing a meaningful human-human-understandable response appropriate to the input.

Data mining : This process uses statistical analysis to discover patterns and meaningful information from large volumes of data. It is essential for identifying unknown patterns and features compared to machine learning, which produces results based on the most recent data.

How does conversational AI work?

A conversational AI system works by combining the capabilities of natural language processing and machine learning to produce natural human-like conversations. The system functions in four stages through;

1. Input generation: Users share their input command as text or voice.

2. Input analysis: At this stage, the NLP system tries to understand the input from the user. If the input is text, the system will use natural language understanding to decipher the meaning. However, if the input is in the form of speech, then the system will use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to detect the input. Then, using natural language understanding, it will decode the input.

3. Out generation: During this stage, natural language generation (NLG), a sub-component of NLP, generates appropriate responses for human understanding.

4. Reinforcement learning: With constant comprehension, study, and analysis, the AI system refines its understanding of human language and responses with precision with time.

What are the types of conversational AI?


AI-powered chatbots are software applications that can interact with humans in a natural human language. Chatbots find widespread applications for assisting customers to get answers to their queries, connect to appropriate departments, and perform common service functions.

Chatbots have recently been integrated into various channels, like websites, social media platforms, and mobile applications, for enhanced user support, engagement, and retention.

Voice bots

These are AI-powered Voice chatbot software applications capable of understanding voice commands to generate responses and perform tasks. Several IoT devices connected with smart virtual assistants explore voice bots for an enriched user experience. They enable users to interact in their preferred language instead of just typing text.

Interactive voice assistants

These are conversational AI systems capable of recognizing spoken inputs through voice recognition and interpreting the command using natural language processing. Interactive voice assistants are much more intuitive and produce natural conversation to complete actions or provide information.

Benefits of conversational AI

Conversational AI is one of the remarkable technological advancements now offering several benefits to businesses, like prompt responses, personalization experience, improved productivity, etc. We explore some of the significant benefits of conversational AI here before diving deeper into the best conversational AI examples that showcase the best-in-class conversational AI capabilities.

1. Improved customer engagement : Using natural language processing a conversational AI system can understand the user intent and analyze the user sentiment to initiate an engaging conversation. The AI system takes care to personalize the conversation with appropriate phrases that improve the customer experience for the user.

By responding to customer queries quickly and accurately, a conversational AI system can improve customer retention, brand loyalty, and brand image for a business.

2. Multilingual support : As businesses cater to a global audience, they support and assist customers from multiple regions speaking various native languages. Conversational AI systems are significant as they provide a medium for businesses to cater to customers in their native languages. As these AI-powered assistants remove the language barrier, customers can reach for support without any challenges of vocabulary and grammatical nuances of a foreign language.

3. Improved productivity with cost efficiency : Conversational AI assistants are super efficient at responding swiftly around the clock. It reduces the work overload on support teams as each incoming customer query is handled instantly with accuracy. It reduces the time required to handle a single query, allowing the team to handle multiple loads faster, ultimately improving productivity.

Conversational AI systems can handle multiple queries simultaneously. It will reduce the need for various human agents to support a team. Hence, such systems are efficient at reducing input costs for businesses.  

4. Analyze user behavior : By leveraging machine learning and data mining capabilities, a conversational AI system can analyze vast amounts of data to identify unique patterns of user behavior, create user profiles in real time, and predict user journeys and intentions.  

An AI system continuously learns and improves customer interactions, allowing businesses to offer customers better experiences and personalized resolutions. Additionally, these systems can provide market analysis and quickly identify emerging market trends for strategic business targets.

5. Increased lead generation : Lead generation is an essential target for marketing and sales teams, which would improve with conversational AI systems. Conversational AI systems have a natural human-like conversation capability, which they use to build engaging interactions with users. It allows these systems to capture relevant user information while in a conversation instead of specifically directing users to fill out a form.

Specific user behavior from such data can be used to plan strategic marketing campaigns.

6. Omni-channel support: Users now prefer to use multiple channels for communication to seek information. They expect their conversations to sync across every channel so they can continue from where they left off. Conversational AI systems are scalable to be integrated across several channels and provide precise logs of every conversation. It allows support teams to continue supporting their customers across any channel without losing the context of the conversation summarized and extracted from past interactions.

Top 5 uses cases of conversational AI

Online chatbots and voice assistants are commonly associated with conversational artificial intelligence due to their ability to provide customer care services and be deployed across several channels. In-depth analytics are typically integrated into the backend program of conversational AI apps, which helps to produce human-like dialogs.

For businesses, conversational AI is a critical technology that increases profitability. Chatbots are the most widely used type of conversational AI in various business settings. Some of the use cases of conversational AI are;

Customer support : For routine customer inquiries about order confirmation, tracking, cancellation, making tailored recommendations, and other topics, online chatbots can replace human customer service representatives. It improves the client experience by giving them access to services and assistance around the clock.

Agents can also save a significant amount of time, which they can use for higher-value work. Chat applications and messaging bots on websites with virtual agents are a couple of examples.

Accessibility : Businesses can increase client accessibility by implementing conversational AI chatbots on several messaging platforms. The most often used conversational AI functions to improve accessibility for users of assistive technology are text-to-speech dictation and language translation. It facilitates user engagement with your business and lowers friction in customer support.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices : Whether it’s smartwatches, cell phones, or Alexa speakers, most homes these days contain at least one IoT gadget. These gadgets employ automated voice recognition to communicate with end users. A few well-known apps are Google Home, Apple Siri, and Amazon Alexa.

Lead generation : Numerous marketing procedures, including lead generation, content production, campaign management, and others, are made more efficient by using conversational AI. Businesses can employ conversational AI chatbots to proactively start discussions with consumers visiting their websites, applications, or stores. It can encourage visitors to investigate your product or gather their contact information for future correspondence. Thus, conversational AI facilitates faster lead creation.

Healthcare : Conversational AI can increase operational efficiency and improve administrative procedures like claim processing, all while enhancing patient access to and affordability of healthcare services.

HR automation : Conversational AI can optimize several HR procedures, including onboarding, staff training, and information updates.

Best 15 conversational AI examples

The most sophisticated marketing and sales virtual assistant in the world to boost sales, engage consumers, and gather leads. Achieve 5 times more leads and 3 times more engagement from current campaigns and website visitors.

Kenyt.AI has developed dependable conversational flows that can capture up to 3X more leads from the current marketing activity and increase sales conversions by up to 50%, with over a million messages being exchanged on its chatbots.


1. Kenyt offers a highly user-friendly interface.

2. It has seamless customization options as the platform is very flexible.

3. Kenyt surpasses its peers, providing engaging customer support with quick responsiveness.

4. Kenyt’s platform is highly flexible for seamless integration with multiple tools, adding advantages to overall productivity.

5. Support in 195+ native languages for personalized interaction.

6. 95% accuracy in providing reliable answers to customer queries.

7. Chatbot deployment is possible in under 3 minutes with no coding requirement.

8. Kenyt offers voice bots that are capable of near-human-like communication.


Kenyt doesn’t offer Google Analytics integration in its platform or GTM integration to reflect on conversion data for paid ads.

2. IBM Watsonx Assistant

IBM Watsonx Assistant

The enterprise conversational AI platform, IBM Watsonx Assistant, enables users to create intelligent virtual and voice assistants that can respond to queries from users quickly, reliably, and accurately on any messaging platform, application, device, or channel.

It is an effective option for sophisticated chatbots requiring high-end NLP skills. It can perform jobs like sentiment analysis, handling big datasets, and identifying items in talks.

IBM’s virtual assistants are perfect for enterprise applications, sophisticated customer service contacts, and managing subtle conversations.


1. Ease of integration without requirement of proficient technical skills.

2. Drag-and-drop builder that allows for easy conversational AI interface creation without any coding.

3. The platform offers a higher scalability option.

4. Offers multiple templates for diverse applications.


1. IBM Watsonx offers a steeper learning curve and can be costly on the budget based on its usage. 

2. Additionally, some users did not feel the response speed of the assistant was satisfactory.

3. SAP Conversational AI

SAP Conversational AI

With SAP Conversational AI, you can create end-to-end chatbots and customize your digital assistant with a robust building platform. The platform allows users to generate chatbots with complete SAP connectivity in days quickly and easily. Users can also utilize the platform to build AI chatbots from scratch to automate their IT services, customer support, and purchasing process.


1. With SAP Conversational AI, developing chatbots doesn’t require extensive coding knowledge and may be done across several platforms.

2. SAP Conversational AI can be integrated with most communication channels.

3. SAP Conversational AI makes dialogue with customers much more streamlined.

4. The platform offers thorough statistics and performance data for chatbots. It enables companies to optimize gradually and enhance the chatbot.


1. A SAP Conversational AI doesn’t provide an agent workspace in its platform and requires the agent to rely on a third-party platform.  

2. It would be difficult for users to integrate and work with other applications because of the complexity of the integration.

4. Drift


Drift allows businesses to interact with customers in a tailored manner at every point in their journey with Drift’s Conversation Cloud, from end-to-end customer journey. It comprises three main products driven by underlying Conversational AI: Conversational Marketing, Conversational Sales, and Conversational Service.

Drift focuses on improving the B2B buying experience with its modernized AI-powered buyer engagement platform.


1. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward.

2. Extensive number of features.

3. Integrates with other diverse number of tools smoothly.

4. Customer support is prompt and knowledgeable.


1. Though the platform is highly intuitive, it is challenging to understand all the features and requires a steeper learning curve.

2. Drift could present a complicated process when integrated with multiple systems.

3. Customization options on the platform require technical expertise and can’t be done readily.

5. Qualified


Qualified is the PipelineAI platform for global B2B businesses, built to optimize incoming pipelines through automation and artificial intelligence.

Built on the Salesforce Platform, Qualified is the top pipeline generation platform available on the Salesforce AppExchange.

Qualified guarantees of customer success and human-centered selling that personalizes business conversations are its highlights.


1. Highly customizable platform that engages customers in real time.

2. Lead segmentation and personalization is effortless with the data from CRM.

3. Constant feature updates and integration diversity.

4. Quick and seamless implementation and integration.


1. Offers a challenge to understand and learn the platform for ease of use.

2. It is challenging to create two windows to work with different clients simultaneously.

6. Tars


Tars allows users to create their chatbot with no prior programming knowledge. With chatbots, Tars assists marketing and customer service teams in redefining the customer experience, automating customer support interactions, and optimizing conversion funnels. 


1. It is a relatively easy-to-use platform.

2. Tars offer intuitive and friendly chatbots.

3. Possible integration with a wide array of tools with an easy-to-use interface.  

4. It offers many templates to create a custom chatbot.


1. The platform could be challenging for novices to understand and start developing their chatbots.

2. The reporting feature from Tars is yet to be improved and isn’t customizable to suit specific business needs.


Verloop is a live chat platform that offers a range of automated features to streamline customer assistance and interaction, including lead generation, demo booking, and e-commerce. It allows AI support through chat and voice across multiple channels, like websites and WhatsApp, to in-app and voice interactions.


 1. It offers extensive automation capabilities.

2. It can handle multiple chats simultaneously

3. The user interface is friendly, which allows easy navigation for features.

4. The platform has a quick response time.


1. Verloop doesn’t offer email integration in its platform.

2. The platform is still to be launched for iOS users.

8. Botpress


Botpress is an easy-to-use conversational AI platform that enables individuals and groups of all sizes to create, construct, and implement AI-driven chatbots for multiple uses. Using large language models (LLM) and generative AI, Botpress creates engaging, tailored chatbot experiences for any need.


 1. It offers a user-friendly, no-code interface, and it can be easily learned to work around.  

2. It offers an exhaustive resource library to find information and address troubleshooting challenges.

3. It offers a faster and more feasible AI integration.

4. It allows the integration of custom data into the knowledge base.


1. Botpress offers a limited natural language understanding, which leads to limitations in handling complex queries.

2. Even with its user-friendly layout, Botpress still necessitates some technical expertise to effectively utilize, particularly for sophisticated integrations and customizations.


With the help of our generative AI-powered customer service automation platform, enables businesses to have unforgettable client conversations. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to create and apply dynamic solutions.


1. offers scalability with its platform suitable for large and small businesses.

2. Dashboard offers a user-friendly experience and shares insights in real time.

3. It offers integration with a many applications. also shares extensive analytics, which makes it easy to comprehend user behavior.


1. Depending on their unique use cases and needs, users may encounter some modification constraints.

2. Although provides integration features, customers could find it difficult or time-consuming to integrate with current databases or systems.

10. Jetlink Conversational AI Platform


The customer journey is automated and streamlined across voice- and digital-based channels by Jetlink virtual assistants. They respond to frequently requested queries or requests and can smoothly transition to live operators, which increases customer satisfaction.

Jetlink boosts that its assistants can create deep, multi-step discussions with users that incorporate business logic and save context.


1. Jetlink offers an intelligent AI architecture and a user-friendly UI that makes conversation management easy.

2. Jetlink maintains a high accuracy in every customer interaction.

3. Jetlink offers easy integration with other applications.

4. It offers versatile functionality that caters to the dynamic requirements of various businesses.


1. Some users may feel the interface is outdated, lacking modern aesthetics and intuitive navigation, hindering user experience.

2. Reporting analytics should be developed further for better comprehension and insights.

11. Botsonic


Writesonic’s Botsonic is a unique AI chatbot builder that doesn’t require programming, allowing businesses to engage in natural language discussions with website visitors. Brands can quickly and easily create conversational AI experiences for their website visitors with Botsonic.


1. Easy to use no-code required bot creating application.

2. There are several methods for training the bot itself; the simplest is to provide a link to the website.

3. Additionally, you can build numerous bots that each learn from distinct data, although this feature is exclusive to paid subscriptions.

4. The robot’s integration into the website is easy, as the provider already offers ready-made code.


1. Content that requires a high degree of inventiveness, emotional investment, or in-depth knowledge of specific subjects may be difficult for the AI to produce.

2. The AI can occasionally become inaccurate, especially if different files are added to the system.

12. Conversica


The Conversational AI platform from Conversica facilitates real, two-way dialogues that precisely engage every stage, boosting lead conversions and revenue development.

Conversica virtual assistants can engage in meaningful conversations in real time throughout the entire customer lifecycle. They are also intelligent enough to identify and close “conversation gaps” in the funnel by sending the appropriate message at the right moment, which expedites the conversion process for any indication of interest.


1. The tracking of leads in the system is easy to use and accurate.

2. Integration of the application is easy and a quick process.

3. It also integrates relatively easily with other platforms.

4. Conversica offers good customer service that has improved user experience on the platform.


1. Some of its pre-defined conversation templates do not allow for customization easily.

2. Presently, Conversica supports limited languages, such as German, English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish, and hence should consider training its bot in other languages.

13. Conversational AI Chatbot Conversational AI Chatbot

Herbie is an AI chatbot that is both sophisticated and conversational. It is a two-way voice-activated AI assistant to interact with consumers via text and voice. Herbie is available on over 13 social media sites and offers unified support and energetic assistance.

Herbie is a full-time, multilingual digital assistant who assists clients with their inquiries, purchases, and other needs. Herbie engages with clients in their language of choice, digitally revolutionizing a company.


1. Herbie boost of automating up to 80% of support inquiries.

2. It is presently offered in 13 languages.

3. Herbie offers excellent speed and accuracy in responding to customer queries.

4. It offers customization options and is easy to set up with minimal coding.


Users may feel the chatbot needs to improve its performance.

14. Amio


Amio is a conversational AI platform that is simple to use and allows developers to create dependable chatbots. The customer experience team gains from round-the-clock, real-time assistance via multiple channels. Lastly, according to the marketing and sales team proactive outreach results in a rise in pre-sales involvement.


1. It is an easy-to-use and user-friendly platform.

2. The chatbot syncs well with the latest products and information.

3. The platform is user-friendly, intuitive, and easy for quick setup and functioning.

4. The chatbot can learn and swiftly adjust to specific needs.


1. Exporting data from Amio isn’t possible as it doesn’t support the function yet.

2. It offers a higher learning curve for users looking for complex customization per their requirements.

15. Meera


With human-like ease of text messaging, Meera’s artificial intelligence platform can automate 80% of your team’s laborious tasks. It instantly engages prospects and nurtures them until they are prepared to speak with sales and either set up a meeting or route a call to a team member.


1. Meera AI system provides remarkable text generation with great accuracy.

2. It’s an easy-to-use application with extensive reporting functions.

3. It boosts by automating 80% of repetitive tasks.


1. Presently, Meera supports only English, which could be a drawback for users who prefer their native languages for help.

2. It supports limited file formats, which could be challenging for users working on specific files.


As conversational AI develops, it will become essential to multiple sectors, including retail, healthcare, real estate, online marketplaces, banking, and customer service. Additionally, when conversational AI systems grow over time, they make life easier for human agents.

Therefore, conversational AI is the way to stay competitive if you want to be in the race for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

A chatbot is a computer program designed to mimic and process textual or audio conversations between humans. It allows users to engage with digital gadgets in a way that mimics real-world communication with a real person. The simplest chatbots are rule-based ones that communicate with users inside a constrained domain by applying predefined rules.

Artificial intelligence’s conversational AI subfield includes chatbots and other AI-powered communication technologies. Conversational AI technology does not, however, power every chatbot. It can manage multiple intricate duties and transactions and has a vast scope.

Better customer experiences are made possible by conversational AI, but to maximize performance, it needs access to a sufficient amount of data for learning and may require team training. These are a few of the primary difficulties facing conversational AI:

1. Interpreting human language: Conversational AI systems frequently find it difficult to precisely grasp the context and intent of user requests since natural language processing (NLP) is a complicated area.

2. Handling ambiguity: Conversational AI systems need to be able to handle ambiguity in language since users could refer to the same item with various terms or use phrasing that is difficult to understand.

3. Sustaining a discussion that sounds human: Conversational AI systems can carry on a lively and organic dialogue without seeming artificial.

4. Handling exceptions: Conversational AI systems need to be able to respond appropriately to unforeseen requests and exceptions.

5. Integration with other systems: It can be difficult and expensive to integrate conversational AI systems with other systems, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems.


Massive volumes of text and speech data, such as dialogue scripts or real-world customer support encounters, are used to train conversational AI. This information aids the AI’s comprehension of the subtleties of human language, such as slang, irony, and various conversational tenors. More data exposure improves the AI’s understanding and capacity to react to natural language.

Conversational AI employs interactive dialogue to simulate human-like conversations, whereas generative AI leverages patterns discovered in data to produce new content—such as writing, graphics, or music.

Conversational AI can benefit from generative AI. A generative AI bot might, for instance, search your knowledge library for a customer’s question and provide an unscripted summary of the article in response.

No, coding experience is not a prerequisite for creating conversational AI. Development platforms with visual interfaces, low-code tools, and pre-built libraries make the process easier. Kenyt is the industry’s leading no-code development platform, making it simple to create intelligent AI chatbots and improve customer engagement. The best part is that you can use our pre-built templates to quickly create personalized customer journeys and implement AI-powered chat and voice bots across multiple channels and languages.

About the Author

Nisha Sneha

Nisha Sneha

Nisha Sneha is a passionate content writer with 5 years of experience creating impactful content for SAAS products, new-age technologies, and software applications. Currently, she is contributing to Kenyt.AI by crafting engaging content for its readers. Creating captivating content that provides accurate information about the latest advancements in science and technology has been at the core of her creativity.
In addition to writing, she enjoys gardening, reading, and swimming as hobbies.

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