Deploy AI Agent on WordPress

To deploy your AI Agent on your WordPress website, please start by logging into your WordPress admin panel.

  1. Once logged in, go to Plugin – Add new 

2. In the search box, search for “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin

3. Click on “Install Now” button and once done, the same button will show up as “Activate”. Click on “Activate” to activate the plugin

4. It will load for a few seconds to activate. Once activated, navigate to the left rail Settings – WP Header and Footer sub tab

5. Once on the page, from the Kenyt Dashboard, copy the code snippet by logging into Kenyt Dashboard – in the left rail Click on AI Agent – Deployment – Copy code snippet

6. Once copied, paste the same in the “Header” section of the WordPress dashboard and Click on “Save” to deploy the AI Agent.

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