Creating Message Templates

  1. Login to Kenyt dashboard and once logged in click on left hand panel select the Campaigns option.

2. Select Message template and click on + template

3. Add the details as below
a. Template type – For running a WhatsApp campaign, select “WhatsApp” as the Template type

b. Template name – Give a template name (do not use special character also do not use spaces for spacing we can use underscore)

c. Template group – Create a template group (any name can be given to group)

d. Click on compose message.

4. Select the message header type depending on the message content. If the message content has image then select image, if the message content is video select the video, if the message content is any document select file.
Under attachment , click on upload media and select the attachment which you want to broadcast along with the message.
5. Draft your message in message body section (character limit is 1024 also do not use double spacing in between two lines)

6. For button options, you have the following options
Quick reply – Under Quick reply we can add three buttons also the responses/message which needs to be triggered can be fed.

Call to action (CTA) – Two CTA buttons can be added, provide name to the button under Phone button test and URL button text.
Example: Call Us, Contact Us, Visit Website, Visit Us, Book An appointment etc.
Provide number in Phone number section along with country code without any spaces in between for example (+918888888888) and provide URL in URL section.

7. Click on Save as Draft and then click on Send for Whatsapp approval.

8. Select the category of the message as “Marketing” and click on submit for Gupshup approval.

9. Once the template is approved by provider, open the template and click on approve so that the template is approved by admin as well.

10. Once the template is approved kindly sent a demo message to yourself to check the visualisation of the message in real time. Click on action drop down button and select sent preview to me, a demo message would be delivered to the number which is added in user profile for the particular phone number.

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