How to Add new properties or fields in the CRM?

Step 1: In the CRM dashboard Go to CRM settings>> Properties>> select object lead/Deal/..

Step 2: Click on the object where you want to add more properties and then go to Add Custom Property.

There are properties already existing in the system that are created by the system and the new properties created by you will come under user-defined properties.

Step 3:  Add custom property >> Enter the property name without any special characters and given the display name>> Select the property type as String except for date and time format.

You can add allowed values for the properties by entering the values separated by commas in the allowed values section which will be coming as a dropdown.

Can segregate the properties into different groups by creating new groups and placing this property in the respective group.

Step 4: You can give this property access role for a user who can edit this property. Select the drop down value. 

Check the mandatory property option if you want to make this property as mandatory for all the leads.

And then click on save property.

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