On the Kenyt Dashboard, you can set the time delay for when you want the chatbot to appear on your website.
- Log in to the Kenyt Dashboard, click on the left-hand panel, and select the ‘AI Agents’ tab.
2. If there are multiple project bots, ensure you select the correct project from the dropdown
menu in the top-right corner, as marked in the image below.
3. Switch to ‘UX Settings’ from the top menu and click on ‘Bubble Settings’ from the
left-hand menu.
4. Locate the option ‘Open Window After Milliseconds’. This allows you to specify the time (in milliseconds) after which the chat window will open.
- Example: If you want the chat window to open after 5 seconds, enter 5000 in the box
5. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Save Changes.